Few days ago I had a revelation. The Finnish word for "month" in "kuukausi". "Kuukausi" is composed of two separate words put together: "kuu" and "kausi". "Kuu" means "Moon", and "kausi" means "cycle" (as in time-period or something, not bicycle). So "kuukausi" means literally in English "A cycle of the Moon".
Related to this, I realised that the Finnish word for "Earth" is "Maailma". "Maailma" is composed of two separate words: "maa" and "ilma". "Maa" means "ground" or "land, while "ilma" means "air". So "Maailma" is "ground-air" (or "land-air") in English.
Who came up with this stuff? It's brilliant!
Off-topic, but... I have been sick the last few days. And although I'm back at work today, I'm still not 100% OK. But I'm getting better. I know that I should be sending some email, and I will do that ASAP.
I think we were doing a unit on Vikings in Ancient History where we considered the oddity of having Thursday (Thor's Day) and Friday (Freya's Day). On a different note, I think it is strange that in most Latin-based languages Sunday is 'Day of our Lord' (e.g. 'Domenica' in Italian) whereas English speakers worship the sun (and the moon on Monday). Heathens? Us?
I did know about Thor's Day, but I never really thought about Sunday before, even though it was right in front of ym face...
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